
A 0-1 scheduling tool that helps the intake coordinators at Josselyn Center to quickly assign clinician and schedule the initial assessment.


10-week UX internship project at Fuzzy Math (UX Consultancy)


2 UX Designers (1 senior + 1 intern)
2 Visual Designers (1 senior + 1 intern)
1 Project Manager

My Role

UX Research
UX Design



A growing mental health provider suffering from the manual process.

Josselyn is a nonprofit community mental health provider offering a full range of therapeutic care. But as they grow after the pandemic, they struggle with increasing demand for services and limited resources.

“When first started, we only got 10 calls a day. As time went on, calls went up 600% ”

Understand the Problem


What is happening

To better understand the needs and behaviors of the target audience, we conducted a combination of 3 stakeholder interviews and 10 user interviews. We gained valuable insights from stakeholders about how Josselyn has evolved over time and what are the challenges they were facing, while from the user interviews we got a deeper understand about their everyday tasks, process and pain points.


The full picture

After gathering all the data from interviews, I synthesized them by affinity diagrams. Then through identifying the actions, tools, pain points, I created a visual map of the user journey of the intake onboarding experience for the 5 departments.

Narrowing down

Scheduling: bottleneck with the highest potential

A highlight from the research was that intake coordinators want to quickly schedule clients based on clients’ needs and preferences and physicians’ availability. As a direct window to customers and an important communication channel with other departments, they have the greatest impact on the project. Thus we decided to focus on the intake team as our target group for this project.


Problem statement

Based on the user group and pain points we identified, we refined the problem statement as following:

help intake process at Josselyn run smoothly to meet the growing needs of patients?

Map problems with goals

After synthesizing 3 main pain points, I defined 3 goals that can help address the problem and can be used to inform and guide our design solutions in the later stages of the design process.

Before Jumping into Design

Limitations & Constraints

What needs to be considered

Design within Context

Process Flow

What works for others may NOT work for Josselyn

When I created the desired flow of this tool, I first analyzed the existing product on the market to learn about how they are solving the similar problem. But after carefully looking into their process flows, I found that they don't exactly apply to Josselyn's scenario.

A customized process flow for intake coordinators

Therefore I created a customized scheduling flow that best fits the intake coordinators’ daily tasks flow, integrating the essential pre-step before scheduling and including the communication from billing team, clinicians and clients.

Concept Ideation

Brainstorm with designers, together

We then conducted a concept brainstorm session with 8 designers from not only the Josselyn design team, but other teams as well, bringing fresh perspectives and ideas to the table and helping us to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions.

Final Solutions

Design Decisions

Wireframe Explorations

Client Profile


Filter explorations

Style Guide

Maintain, Extend, Evolve, Replace

From the aspect of visual design, we kept the most of the foundational brand element that Josselyn has today while extending the visual styles to meet the needs of a product UI.

Client Feedback


My internship at Fuzzy Math allowed me to gain a better understanding about working at a UX consultancy firm. I was able to contribute to a complete and standard UX design process from research and prototyping while getting exposure to strategic business aspects of UX challenges.

It’s all about asking WHY.

Reflecting on my internship, I have come to appreciate the value of having a strong design rationale in all stages of the design process. During the interview sessions I led, asking specific and contextual questions and following up while necessary requires a clear understanding of the research goals and purpose. Later in the prototyping phase, consistently questioning and justifying my design decisions helped me to make sure that they are effectively meet user needs and business objectives.

Moreover, having a well-articulated design rationale has helped me to receive constructive feedback from the design team as well as stakeholders and make necessary revisions to designs that align with project goals.

And many thanks to the team!

Overall, my UX internship experience has been incredibly rewarding and has provided me with valuable insights and skills that will benefit me throughout my career. Grateful for the opportunity to have worked with such a talented and supportive team throughout the summer!

Thanks for stopping by

Yao Li ©2023